Name:   Martin Steigerwald
 IRC     helios@#amigager,#frankfurt,#giessen,#hallo and other
 Dir:    cdrom and libs
 Amiga:  Amiga 4000EC030882/18MB, CV64 2MB, Fastlane, 1.5 GB SCSI

 I am 22 years old and I am a meeting pearls admin since this Meeting
 Pearls CD. So I am a admin newbie. This came from a discussion about the
 price of an aminet CD on de.comp.sys.amiga.misc ;-)

 But this is not the only premier. Some other mp admins did their part to
 convince me to write my first really running usable MUI program with some
 functionality: The MetaTool preferences program for the Meeting Pearls IV

 In general I had much fun to work for and contribute to the MP IV and
 that inspite of some very hot discussions about standardicons and
 iconlayout. ;-) See below for more.

 OK, something more about me: Hmmm... I am using Amiga since a long time
 now. After the 1st C64 that my daddy bought I had an Amiga 500 and then
 after the school you might call college ("Gymnasium", "Abitur"), I spent
 my whole money for an Amiga 4000. I never regretted this even with that
 unsure Amiga future in mind.

 But there is certainly more than Amiga in my live, much more... but this
 now in a more structure way:

 Curriculum vitae:

 I was born on the 19th February in 1974. I visited several schools... and
 now I omit that usual standard meaningless curriculum vitae stuff cause
 its meaningless and if I really dont wanna tell the meaningfull things to
 the public (ask me on IRC and I might tell you if you are really
 interested)... I passed graduation ("Abitur") 1993 and did n't have to do
 military services (puh! real good) and also no civil services (what a
 pity, but not a bad after all if I look back). Now I am studying
 educational studies at the University of Frankfurt. Maybe not the typical
 subject for an Meeting Pearls admin. ;)


 - Friends

   Without them my live would be more or less meaningless.

 - Amiga

   THE computer.

 - Internet

   I enjoy using the internet as medium for *uncensored* and *free*
   speech. I hope in the future this will be possible, too.

 - Politics

   But I am not much interested in that what our government at the moment.

   I am interested into environmental protection and work in some group
   that do this. I am furthermore interested in human rights, especially
   for respecting them, and therefore I am interested in amnesty

 - Music

   I wanna learn to play guitar. I am able to play me first little song. I
   hope I will not surrender until I am really able to play guitar!

 - role playing games

   RPG, RPG, RPG... gagagaga *giggle* ;-))))

   I only mastered one adventure by myself till now, I prefer to play a
   character in an adventure and did this in several systems till now:
   Midgard, AD&D, ERPS and CHTHULLU (or however this will be written

 So, thats all for now... couldnt think of more right now what doesnt mean
 there isnt more.

 About icon images and layout:

 I didnt replace icon images in my directories! That doesnt go conform to
 the rules for Meeting Pearls Admins. But I did it anyway, cause

 - I wanted to respect copyright issues as far as I can,

 - there is no iconstandard for the amiga, and I didnt want to destroy the
   impression that there are many nice *different* icon packages out

 - the MP default icons from Mick are IMHO nearly only used on the MP CDs,

 - I rather download a software from aminet when it comes with icons of
   my favourite icon standard NewIcons, when it has no NewIcons on the CD
   anymore, and I think many fans of other icon packages see that similar.

 This are only some reasons. This is my oppinion and everyone can hear it.
 So if you are a tester of the CD that doesnt like my way of handling the
 icons be so honest and also state my reasons for handling them my way.

 About iconlayout: Correct iconlayout isnt that important to me, so that I
 will only look into the iconlayout in difficult situations (NewIcons +
 "normal" icons) when I have time after I did everything else. I prefer
 completenesse, writing tools and necessary scripts, and MY *OWN* SPARE


 I began programming again only a short time ago, before I was more "the
 user"... but there are already some programs from me:

 tagliner: Quotes taglines. Result can be seen in mails and articles from
           me and on my homepage.

 afsdefragtry: A file defragmenter for AFS, a very good but very bad
               supported amiga file system.

 mrename: A MFRT - multi file rename tool ;)

 MetaToolPrefs: Look on your Meeting Pearls CD for that one...

 The other programs might be there, too.


 So enough for now. Only one or two picture of me:


 A picture of me a friend made with his VLab.
 Note: I was very tired at this moment.


 I am tired often, huh? This is a picture from
 a legendary TUC party ;-) Too bad that "The Undiscovered Country" mailbox
 isnt that active any more.

 Oh well... my hairs mostly look like that. First rule: My hairs dont stay
 longer than a few minutes like I want them to stay after I combed them.

 The final word:

 I am the one and only true sun god (TM). My nickname reflects that I am
 the sun god. Anybody wanting to challenge me... go ahead.

 Ppl wanting to know more about me could still look on my homepage or ask
 me on IRC. I apologize that my homepage is almots entirely in german

 Puh... translated everything to english language now... ready ;-)

|_| _ |o _  _   Martin   Team
| |(/_||(_)_>   Steigerwald     AMIGA

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